FORREC no es sólo un fabricante, sino un socio, que construye plantas "a medida". Estamos cerca del cliente, con un asesoramiento profesional único y de alto nivel, capaz de identificar soluciones eficaces y convenientes, en poco tiempo.

El mantenimiento frecuente y programado y un servicio de respuesta rápida en situaciones de emergencia son ventajas únicas de nuestro servicio. Nuestro propio almacén interno y las asociaciones históricas con proveedores cualificados también nos permiten garantizar la disponibilidad inmediata de la mayoría de las piezas de repuesto.

Nuestro profesional servicio post-venta asegura al cliente la máxima operatividad en muy poco tiempo, gracias a:

  • Disponibilidad amplia e inmediata de piezas de repuesto en stock, incluso de los componentes hechos “a medida”
  • Programación de los ciclos de mantenimiento
  • Períodos de inactividad de la máquina limitados al mínimo
  • Intervenciones de asistencia “in situ” aseguradas gracias a talleres móviles y al personal técnico especializado
  • Asistencia telefónica de emergencia
  • Sistema integrado de soporte remoto “en tiempo real” vía módem
  • Cursos de capacitación para la formación de personal técnico


Viale dell'Artigianato, 24 - 35010 Santa Giustina in Colle (Padua)


Disclosure under Article 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679

Dear Customer/Supplier,

According to Regulation (EU) 2016/679, the data subjects must be informed in advance regarding the use of their personal data, and the processing of personal data will be allowed only upon the data subjects having provided their explicit consent, save as otherwise laid down by law.

Data Controller

The Data Controller is

  • FOR REC SRL, Viale dell'Artigianato, 24 - 35010 Santa Giustina in Colle (Padua), Tel. +39 049-0990-015, Fax +39 049-0990-490, email:

Purpose of Processing

Personal data will be processed as part of FOR REC’s day to day business operations for administrative and accounting purposes, including:

  • Compliance with tax and accounting obligations;
  • Customer management (managing customers, managing contracts, orders, shipments and invoices, sanity and credit check);
  • Supplier management (managing suppliers, managing contracts, orders, arrivals, invoices, selection depending on company needs);
  • Sending information relating to new FOR REC products (newsletter), subject to your consent.

Recipients or categories of recipients to whom personal data may be disclosed

External companies or individuals engaging in activities that are closely related or incidental to the management of business relations, such as:

  • Financial institutes
  • Consultants and independent contractors, whether as individuals or part of associations
  • Internal mailing list operator (for the delivery of newsletters)

Retention Period

Personal data will be retained for a maximum period of 10 years following contract termination.


Personal data will be retained for such a period of time as may be appropriate for the delivery of the relevant service or at any rate until unsubscription therefrom.

Data Subjects’ Rights

Data subjects have the right to request the Data Controller to confirm whether their personal data are being processed and, if so, they will be entitled to:

  • Gain access to, request the correction, deletion or limitation of the processing of their personal data or object to such processing;
  • Receive their personal data in a structured form which is commonly used and which can be read by an automatic device, and transfer such information to another data processor (data portability);
  • Be informed of any automated decision-making process in place, including profiling;
  • Be able to withdraw their consent, if given, at any time without affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given prior to any such withdrawal;
  • File a complaint with the Supervisory Authority (Garante Privacy -;

Users may, at any time and without the need to discharge any formality (by email to or calling +39 049-099-0015) exercise their rights under the European Regulation as aforesaid by contacting the Data Processor or using the appropriate request form provided by the Authority at

Nature and consequences of failure to provide data

Failure to consent to the processing of and provide mandatory data for the purposes as described will make it impossible to provide, all or part of, the services and/or products to the data subjects. While providing your personal data for the delivery of the Newsletter is optional, your refusal to do so will not allow the service to be supplied.

Consent to processing

Upon your checking the box authorising the processing of personal data by, we will consider your consent to subscribing to the Newsletter service as given and the relevant terms and conditions as accepted.

Consent withdrawal

You may withdraw your consent at any time, without this affecting the processing completed in the period prior to any such withdrawal. In the event of breach, you have the right to file a complaint with the relevant Supervisory Authority.

To learn more about this disclosure or any other privacy-related matter or should you elect to exercise your rights or withdraw your consent, please contact

Por la presente confirmo que he leído cuidadosamente la información sobre el tratamiento de datos *

De conformidad con el Decreto Legislativo europeo, por la presente le autorizo a utilizar y procesar mis datos personales *

Viale dell'Artigianato, 24
35010 Santa Giustina in Colle
(Padova) - Italia